5 Most Commonly Asked Questions in a Divorce Consultation

Consulting with a divorce lawyer in Birmingham, AL, can be a daunting experience, especially when navigating the complexities of family law and child custody. Here are five commonly asked questions during a divorce consultation, along with expanded explanations to help you understand the process.
1. Should I be the first to file?
The decision to be the first to file for divorce depends on various factors specific to your situation and your divorce lawyer’s strategy. Filing first can offer certain advantages, such as choosing the court and having control over how and when to serve your spouse with the court filing. Being the first to file allows you to present your case and evidence first, set the stage for depositions, and have the final word in a trial. However, your lawyer will evaluate whether these factors are beneficial for your case.
2. Why did my spouse ask for so much in the Petition or Complaint for Divorce?
It's common for a spouse’s lawyer to request more than they might actually expect to receive in the initial Petition or Complaint for Divorce. This approach ensures that they preserve the right to argue various issues if necessary. The demands listed initially often reflect a broad range of requests to cover all potential grounds, rather than a precise indication of what will be settled on or awarded by the court. Your divorce lawyer in Birmingham, AL, may adopt a similar strategy to protect your interests.
3. What are the chances my case can be settled?
The majority of divorce cases are settled before going to trial, involving compromises from both parties. However, predicting the likelihood of settlement for your specific case is challenging. Your lawyer will discuss the pros and cons of pursuing a settlement versus proceeding to trial, providing insight into possible outcomes. Each case is unique, and your child custody lawyer in Birmingham will strive to reach an agreement that serves your best interests.
4. What date is used to value assets in my estate and how is everything going to be divided?
The valuation date for marital assets can vary. In Alabama, assets are typically valued as of the date of filing, but the court has discretion to include post-filing assets and income in the equitable distribution. You and your spouse, often with the help of financial experts, will determine the values of your assets and liabilities. If you can't reach an agreement, these values will be presented to the court for a final decision. Your divorce lawyer in Birmingham, AL, will guide you through this process to ensure a fair division of assets.
5. May I date before my divorce is finalized?
Alabama is a fault-based divorce state with "no-fault" divorce grounds. Legally, you are considered married until the court issues a final decree of divorce. Dating before your divorce is finalized can negatively impact your case, as it may be viewed unfavorably by the court and can anger your spouse, complicating the settlement process. Additionally, if you have children, dating can affect them emotionally and should be carefully considered. Seeking advice from your child custody lawyer in Birmingham on how to handle such situations is essential.
For personalized guidance and to address your specific concerns, consult with a qualified divorce lawyer in Birmingham, AL. They can provide the expertise needed to navigate your divorce and child custody matters effectively.
The information contained in this material is being provided for general educational and informational purposes only, with the specific understanding that it is not intended to be used or interpreted as specific legal or tax advice.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice. Neither Jessie Keating Hardy nor J. Hardy Family Law are establishing any attorney-client relationship with this informational article. If you have questions, you should consult with a lawyer experienced in domestic law.